In design work, especially over long distances, computer models work very well to demonstrate 3-dimensional space to a director or client.
I'm often in one city, the director in another, the rest of the production team scattered about as well. A computer model posted on the internet allows ALL to participate in the process, especially when paired with a video walkthrough.
These models were all produced with VectorWorks, and most of them used Art*lantis as the renderer. For some of them, the 2d image was output to a jpg file and "painted" in Painter.
A click will take you to the show's page. Several of the quicktime video walkthroughs are available. They are a LONG download on conventional connections, tho.
See the article published in STAGE DIRECTIONS Magazine, March 2002, featuring the model of Theatre IV's production of King Island Christmas,
click here
American Anthem- a musical review of patriotic songs

Click to see an American Anthem video walkthrough of major sightline points.
(Download size is about 3.3mb)

Direct Marketing Association 1998 Convention MainStage

Click to see the DMA video walkthrough
Download time is SLOW! This is a 32mb file.
(there will soon be a condensed version available)

Best Little Whorehouse In Texas
King Island Christmas
King Island Christmas
Joeseph and the...

Measure for Measure